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    Grandia III Review (PS2) BawesomeBurf. Unsubscribe from BawesomeBurf? The third game in the Grandia series has a few issues that prevent it from being great.

    Page Tools More. Walkthrough AnfogSabatarRandotoMendiArcriff Mendi/Randoto Dragon ValleyBacculaVerse RealmNautica Plains VejasMelc RuinsSurmaniaRaflidXorn Shell Anfog Village The game begins with some background into Yuki's obsession with airplanes. Seems he fancies himself as an ace pilot - the type that always rescues the girl and saves the day.

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    Too bad Miranda doesn't want him doing this. When she finds him fiddling around with the plane, she takes the Flight Unit away. Now that you have control of Yuki, your job is to get back that Flight Unit.

    You're free to explore the town, although none of the shops are open for business and nobody has much of anything to say unless you're interested in pottery. Take Yuki down the hill and across the bridge. Enter Miranda's house and you'll find your first Save Orb. Record your progress and then run to the right. Inside of the little greenhouse, examine the plants to acquire an Herb. Next, run over to the left side into the kitchen. Examine the shelf to find the Flight Unit.

    With the last piece of the airplane, go back to the Garage so that you can prepare to take off. When you're ready to leave, agree to go and you'll be off flying. Midway through your flight across the sea, Yuki has trouble gaining altitude. Looks like you've got a little stowaway by the name of Miranda. Just as Yuki is chewing her out, a damsel in distress is spotted. Yuki isn't quite as great of a pilot as he imagines himself and he just ends up knocking her cart off of the road and crashing the plane into the woods. Soon after crawling from the rubble, two Soldiers approach.

    They're looking for that girl, but they redirect their anger at you since they assume you are her protectors. Miranda goes through a fight tutorial with you at this point. Simply follow her instructions and you'll learn about the IP Gauge, Combos, Criticals, using Magic, and using Skills.

    When the battle ends, Yuki decides to go looking for the girl. Start walking your way down the path.

    Get some practice fighting the simple Dragonfly Toads that litter the road. After fighting two sets of them, you'll find your first treasure chest. Open it up to find the Ranger Book.

    Continue down the path until you find the broken cart that the girl was riding on. It looks like the woods is your best bet for finding the girl. A brief cutscene confirms that she is hiding there.

    Before you go running off in search of her, locate the nearby Light Sphere. Pick up the Flare Egg next to it. Equip your Ranger Book and Flare Egg while you are near this sphere. The Flare Egg should definitely be equipped to Yuki, though the Ranger Book can go either way at this point. Save your progress and head down the path towards more Dragonfly Toads.

    Walk down the path into the next area to find the girl, Alfina. Miranda and Yuki decide to take her back to town after she faints. Your first task in town is to fetch a Medicinal Herb. Yuki remembers having one in the Garage.

    Grandia Wikipedia

    Take a trip back up the hill to check it out. Rotts is already gone, but the herb is waiting for you in the back corner. Pick it up and return to Miranda's House. Alfina is waiting in Miranda's bedroom.

    Go inside to check up on her. A scream interrupts your nice chat with Alfina. Go outside to investigate it. Kornell is outside holding Gladys hostage.

    His only demand is that you turn over Alfina, the Communicator. Obviously this is headed towards another fight. The fight with Kornell is an advanced tutorial. Miranda teaches you about Canceling an attack with Criticals and Special Moves. Follow the instructions and then practice what you just learned to prevent Kornell from ever getting a chance to strike. Before you can finish him off, Kornell makes a timely escape.

    Alfina joins your team and Miranda tells you to let her know when you're ready to leave. First, go to the General Store and Magic Shop. Purchase new equipment for Yuki, some healing items, and some new spells. If you buy the Howl spell, equip it to Miranda so that she can take advantage of an item you will soon find. When you're comfortable with your party, talk to Miranda to take off. Anfog Woods - Beast Path When you start walking down the path, the game informs you about the Search function.

    Press the Search Button to explore your surroundings and you'll find a chest. Open it to obtain the Wind Egg. The enemies in this area are simple.

    Power season 6 download. It is a great place to practice Aerial Combos on the Dragonfly Toads and Gilled Pawns. When you come to a downed tree blocking your progress, take the side trail. You'll come to some mushrooms blocking your path and learn how to cut down obstacles. Doing so here will reward you with a Revival Potion. Just past the mushrooms, turn towards the dead end to find a chest with the First Ring. Turn around and start following the path.

    Before going back up towards the main trail, look for some mushrooms on the right side. Slice them with your sword to get a Healing Herb. Fight your way up the path to the next large clearing. Three sets of mushrooms are on the outer edges here. Slice them open and you'll get White Sulfur and a Storm Stone. When the path splits, take the upper road (the one to your left). This will lead to a clearing with a chest containing Holy Water.

    There are also a slew of mushrooms to chop up. They contain White Sulfur, a Boomshroom, a Healing Herb, and a Revival Potion. Move down the path and walk across the bridge. Jump over the next broken bridge and then turn towards the flashing dot on your map.

    This is a Light Sphere where you can save your game, but you'll also find a chest with the Soldier Book nearby. Save your game and turn back to go towards the yellow block. When you come to an enemy fight in a clearing, finish them off and then chop up the mushrooms to get a Wound Salve.

    From there, it is just a short walk to the Camp. Anfog Woods - Camp This is your first camp situation, though if you're familiar with the Grandia series it isn't anything new.

    Here, your party members will chat a bit and reveal some of the back-story. This camp situation revolves around Alfina's terrible cooking and her status as a Communicator, which is a messenger of the Gods. Rotate the cursor around to hear what everyone has to say repeatedly until Miranda tells you it is time to hit the hay.

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    Agree and you'll see another cutscene about Alfina's past. When morning comes, use the Light Sphere to recover all of your lost HP and MP, save your progress, and then walk through the exit to the south. Boss Fight: Kornell Just like last time you faced this muscle man, Kornell is best attacked by Canceling his moves. This time, however, you'll also face two Henchmen. All of these guys are strong, so don't ever let them get a powered attack off. Watch the IP gauge to be sure about who is going to attack next. Don't forget, Kornell also has a Powered Glove that you have to Cancel or it will attack independently of it's owner.

    Use as many Critical attacks and other moves that do a Cancel as possible. Alfina should spend just about the entire battle casting Heal, but if everyone looks like they're in good shape, try to perform an Aerial Combo with her or else do the Stun Force special move. You can momentarily paralyze a Henchman, which will allow the rest of your party to focus on the Powered Glove (which they should be doing from the start). Use all of your most powerful moves to take the Powered Glove out as soon as possible. Once the Powered Glove is down, Kornell is extremely limited in what he can do. Pick off the Henchmen and then do Critical/Combo moves to end the fight.

    When the battle ends, you'll be back at the Light Sphere. Do the recovery and save process again and try your luck moving south. Anfog Woods - South Near the beginning of this trail, you'll see a chest up on a ledge on the left side. You'll have to follow the side trail around to get it. Look up ahead on the left side for some mushrooms. Chop them down to get a Cherry Bomb and a Revival Potion. Next, go through the path you just revealed.

    Chop down the mushrooms on the inside to get White Sulfur. Be wary of the Fake Mushroom hiding inside one of them, though. Open the chest at the end of the path to get the Staff of Prayer.

    Go back to the main path and keep going. Just at the first turn, look for a chest on the right. It holds the Stone Egg. Continue along the trail, fighting the enemies as you go. When you get to a rope ladder, climb down it. Hop over the small gap and then be sure to climb up the ladder on the other side.

    At the top you'll find a Light Sphere so that you can save, but more importantly you'll find a chest with the Hunter's Jacket. Go back down the ladder and follow the path. Be sure to slice the mushrooms up ahead to find a Quakestone, Torte's Reedpipe, and a Fake Mushroom fight.

    Further along you'll come to a series of clearings. In the first one, chop the mushrooms on the west side to get a Boomshroom. There are more on the east side, though they only contain a Fake Mushroom fight. Walk down the ramp into the next clearing and look on the immediate east side.

    You'll find a chest that contains a Storm Stone. Look for some mushrooms on the west side and you'll obtain more White Sulfur and a Healing Herb.

    The third (and final) clearing has a chest on the upper east side. Open it to obtain the Protective Charm. Once you have it, move on to the Sabatar Coast.

    Grandia Wikipedia

    Page Tools More. Basics Exploration There are two types of locations in Grandia III; towns and dungeons. Towns consist of friendly people to talk to and shops to visit and play the consumer. People in each town will say different things depending upon what part of the game you are at, so the gamer interested in every detail will constantly revisit old towns once given the opportunity to do so. Regardless, each time you come to a town, be sure to talk to everybody and they will help you along your way and sometimes provide small bonuses. Also, you should make sure to buy all new equipment every time you find a shop that has it.

    Dungeons are no more complicated than your average town. The mini-map on the lower left corner of your screen shows your current location with a triangle, the exits with yellow squares, and any Light Spheres (read below) with a twinkling smaller square. Always explore every little side path you see because that is where you will find chests and other hidden items that will greatly improve your team's power. Enemies litter the field when you're in a dungeon.

    If one approaches you from behind, you'll be surrounded and have a disadvantage at the start of the battle. You can surprise them, though, by swinging your sword at them. Hitting them will momentarily stun them and, if you engage them in battle while they are stunned, you'll get the jump on them at the start of the battle and usually get the first strike.

    Setting Up Your Party Each time you obtain new Skills, Spells, weapons, armor, or accessories, they must be equipped to a member of your party before they will be usable. Make sure you do this as soon as you obtain the new equipment so that you will reap the rewards of improved stats as soon as possible. Spells and Skills can only be equipped at stores or through Light Spheres which means that if you forget to equip them immediately, you may not get the chance to do so for quite some time.

    Light Spheres Light Spheres are where you will save your progress, but they also function as a place to equip Skills and Spells and will occasionally allow you to restore all of your HP and MP. Every time you see one of these, make sure you save your game. If your entire party gets wiped out, you will be put back to the main menu and will be forced to load your most recent save file to restart.

    If you don't get into the habit of constantly saving your game, you will find yourself trekking through familiar territory many more times than you'd like after you die. Skill Books and Mana Eggs As a sort of added accessory, you can equip one Skill Book and one Mana Egg to each player. Mana Eggs will increase the power of certain magical spells, depending upon which Egg you equip.

    Likewise, Skill Books will increase the effectiveness of equipped Skills of various categories. Although you can't equip Skills and Spells to players outside of shops or Light Spheres, you can change which Mana Eggs and Skill Books you have equipped at any time. Be sure to equip the proper Skill Book and Mana Egg to each player to maximize the effectiveness of the Skills and Mana Eggs that they have equipped. For much more on Mana Eggs and Skill Books, read those sections of our guide. Combat IP Gauge The IP Gauge is located in the upper-left hand corner of your screen during battles. On it, you'll see icons for each of your party members as well as ones for your enemies. The blue section of the Wheel is the ready position and indicates that your player is preparing to accept a command.

    Your icon will slowly move around it until it reaches the red area. This is the command section. Each time one of your characters gets to this point, the game will pause and you will enter a command. Important: Striking an enemy with certain attacks while they are in the Command section will Cancel their attack and put them back into the ready position.

    If you see an enemy is about to unleash a devastating attack, make sure you Cancel it. After a command has been given, the icon will make its way over to the Act bar. The time it takes to move to the Act bar depends upon which command was given.

    Certain spells and moves take longer to prepare and leave the character vulnerable to attacks while others have no wait time. After a character acts, it may be frozen in the clear area of the Command Wheel. This happens after certain attacks which require a recovery time before the player can move again. The two most important statistics for battle efficiency are INI (initiative) and MOV (movement). Initiative determines how fast your character moves around the Command Wheel as well as how close they will start to the Command bar when the battle begins.

    Movement determines how far and how quickly your player can move across the field. Remember, if you choose to attack an enemy that is too far away, you won't be able to reach that position before your player tires and gives up on the command. Command Choices Each time one of your party member gets to the Command line; they will be able to make a move. Read below for an explanation of your options. Combo: Strike the enemy twice with your weapon. The standard attack. Critical: A strong attack that will Cancel an opponent's attack if they are charging.

    It can also knock enemies up into the air. Special Move: Each player has unique Special Moves that require SP to perform. For more about these moves, read below. Defend: Guard against an upcoming attack. If you know a strong move is coming that you can't Cancel, this is a good option. Item: Select this option to use an item from your inventory.

    Use Weapon: Certain weapons have secondary attacks that you can use by selecting this option. It will only appear if the equipped weapon can perform an alternate attack. Magic: If you have spells equipped and enough MP, you can cast a powerful magic attack. These are the strongest offensive moves in the game and will become increasingly important as time goes on. Flee: Run away from battle. You still have to wait the Command time for this to work.

    If you're surrounded, you won't be able to get away. Strategy: If you don't feel like fighting, you can select a CPU strategy and sit back to enjoy the sights. Orb: Once you collect a Guardian Orb, it will begin charging in the upper-right corner. Once it is glowing white, the Orb selection will appear and you will be able to execute a heavenly attack. Reserve these for boss battles.

    Aerial Combos To perform an Aerial Combo, you must first knock your opponent up in the air. Critical attacks have a high chance of doing this, especially those performed by Yuki and Ulf.

    Certain spells, such as Crackle, can also lift an enemy into the air. If you select a Critical or Combo attack that performs while the opponent is in the air, you'll do a special Aerial Combo that does added damage.

    Even better, if you kill an enemy while doing a Combo, it will be an Aerial Finish and the chance that you receive an item or extra money will increase. Special Moves These moves require SP to perform, just as spells require MP, which you will steadily gain during combat. Since SP is constantly being given to you, make sure you always use these moves. Each character has a unique set of Special Moves that they will learn as the game progresses at certain levels (it will appear random, though you will learn the Special Move by attacking once you have reached a certain level of experience). The first Special Move on your list is invaluable because it can Cancel attacks. Other important Special Moves are Alfina's Energy Drive (which can restore SP to other party members) and Dahna's Mana Spring (which allows her to cast unlimited Spells without using MP). Occasionally, one of your party members will learn a Secret Method for these Special Moves.

    This happens randomly, so repeatedly using the moves will help you learn them more quickly. The first level will give you a P, which stands for power. After that, you'll get an S. This means that your Special Move will take less time to charge. The third and fifth levels are also increasing the power of your move.

    The fourth upgrade is an R, which allows your character to recover from performing the move in less time. Finally, you can learn the Ultimate Technique which will place a U next to the move. The one last thing you should know is that you can refill your SP faster by completing a battle without taking any damage. You'll receive an Excellent rating and be rewarded with 10% of the max SP given to each party member.

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